Rafa cumple 65 años y, a su edad, sabe de sobra que las cosas salen siempre peor de lo que uno espera. Lo que él espera es que su hijo pequeño llegue tarde al cumpleaños y pase la mitad de la velada hablando con el móvil. Que su hija mediana, si es que llega, lo haga más tarde aún y sin regalo. Que su hija mayor no pare de meter cizaña sobre la mediana, y que su mujer simule todo el rato que son una familia perfecta. Eso es lo que Rafa espera.
Rafa is turning 65 and, at his age, he knows full well that things always turn out worse than you expect. What he expects is that his son, the youngest, will turn up late for his birthday and spend half the night talking on his mobile phone. That his middle daughter, if she does come, will arrive even later and without a gift. That his older daughter will constantly fan the flames about the middle one, and that his wife will pretend the entire time that they are a perfect family. That is what Rafa expects.
Sección oficial SEMINCI 2008.